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Our Walker Open House welcomes the whole community to see our new facility! Join us anytime between 2:00pm and 6:00pm for a guided tour and refreshments made by our chef! At 3:30pm we will have a short ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate our expansion. 


Weekly Alumni Recovery Meetings are held every Friday at noon via Zoom. This is an opportunity for alumni to share their successes in recovery or receive extra support through hard times. As this is an alumni only meeting, please contact us to receive additional information. 


An Evening of Hope fundraising gala is held annual to celebrate the impact of Our Hope and share Stories of Hope from women who have overcome the disease of addiction.


Our Alumni & Friends Picnic is an event designed to bring our alumnae together to and celebrate the hope they found.


Eat to Support Our Hope events take place every quarter at a different location to raise money for women seeking healing from addiction. See updates on location and times below or on our Facebook page. 


Weekly Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings* are held in the Carriage House every Tuesday from 12:00-1:00 p.m., welcoming all women currently in treatment at Our Hope, as well as alumnae, and other recovering women in the greater community.


Monthly Alcoholics Anonymous Speaker’s Meetings* are held on the first Wednesdays of each month in the Carriage House at 7:00 p.m., welcoming all women currently in treatment at Our Hope, as well as alumnae, and other recovering women in the greater community.


*Due to Covid-19 meetings are currently not open for the public.

Upcoming Events

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